I know i know..Its been FOREVER! And i am truly sorry but life has been so busy since my last post! The next couple of days i will be playing catch up with lots of photos of things we have been up to AND hopefully in a week or two we will reveal Aj's nursery and if y'all are lucky we will reveal her name then as well!! Only a few family members and a couple of close friends know it. We were waiting till she got here to reveal her name. But have decided this would be a nice way to show everyone :) Like her brother she will have a long name :) Loche's name is Lochlan Alexander Khafi Jacobs L.A.K.J. Aj's initials are A.B.A.J :) Anyone wanna guess her names? lol :) So anyway onto the nursery her bedding arrived and i love it to bits! We also baught a custom 3 in 1 crib! The wall as of 2morro will be all finished plaster wise :) and hopefully in the afternoon a primer coat will go on and friday let the painting begin! We have chosen 2 shades of pink :) a lighter one and a dark brighter one! We havent fully decided whether or not we will go add a lovely white chair rail feature along the wall or just got with a thick white painted stripe... But i have spent alot of time when not busy looking at cool and funky painting ideas! Ive also fallen in LOVE with the idea of making my own teacup/teapot lamp as of of the accent pieces for Aj's area! The colours we have gone with as u can see so far are pink lol lime green and a seafoam/teal coloured green/blue :) ive found so many wonderful things on etsy! That if i was to come into money im pretty sure i could spend a few thousand dollars on etsy no worries! lol So i have also ordered 3D adhesive butterflies!
Here is the teapot/teacup lamp i was talking about! Dont you just luv the idea! (thanks google for the image!) |
This nursery really jumped out at me :) we wont be doing the diamonds but do u see the chair rail idea i was talking about? Love the look of it! (photo found on google! gotta love google!) |
This is the custom crib that we baught :) Cant wait to set up all Aj's stuff!
(stock photo from the maker of Aj's crib!) |
This is the bedding we went with! So pretty and girlie! (image found via google) |
Ok so onto pregnant baby bump pics and pregnancy update! Currently i am extremely uncomfortable :) Aj has been in position for a while now and she is making sure i know it! Last night i thought i was having braxton hicks BUT they went from just being tight contractions to some what painful lol... i wasnt paniced or worried i have a feeling i wont make it threw the last 5 wks.. Id love to do a poll and see what u all think? I might have to do a GUESS WHEN AJ WILL ARRIVE TIME AND DATE!
Look out for that post lol. Currently i am dealing with extremely sore breasts.. one more then the other.. it seems to be swollen im thinking i may have a clog..altho i have been "leeking" i know over share.... lol
BUT even tho im hurting a lil im still liking the fact that i am leaking thats a good sign for me? Seeing i didnt have that the first time around... i was unable to barely breast feed Loche when he was born..which was hard on me with all that i went threw... Anyway onto the baby bump pics!
30 Weeks pregnant! Look at that belly! |
32 Weeks! She's dropped! |
33 Weeks! Me at my baby shower :) I will do a post just on this event! |
And here i am at 35 Weeks!
We also during my MIA time had another normal and 3D/4D ultrasound :) that was at 32 weeks! Aj's was at the time locked in position and we were able to see her lil face :) We have a whole cd full of photos but we only picked out a couple to share with everyone :)
Look at that lil face :) Isnt she cute! |
This one she moved just as the tech took her picture prior to this photo we were able to see her full face! During the ultrasound we were also able to watch her yawn and move her tiny little hands around as well!
So things to look forward to post wise from me.... I want to share my baby shower with you all so look out for that post! Also i plan on doing a post about the birthing classes Nathan and i are taking and how much more laid back and so much more relaxed having a child is here in Australia compared to our first experience in the states.... also in that post id like to share some of the neat things ive been reading about in a book called "The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk"